

To install eggplant, first create a new directory into which you’d like to clone the github reposiory conatining the source code, or alternatively use an already existing folder. In your terminal emulator, change directory into the designated folder (PARENT_DIR) and then clone the repository:

git clone

Next, enter the root folder of the repository:

cd eggplant

If you’re using conda or any flavor of it, we provide a minimal functioning environment in conda/eggplant.yaml. You can create and load this environment by doing:

# activate conda environment
conda active
# create a conda enviroment from our provided file
conda env create -f conda/eggplant.yaml
# activate the environment
conda activate eggplant

To install eggplant we will then use the file:

cd eggplant
python3 ./ install --user

To test that your installation was successful you could try:

python3 -c "import eggplant as eg; print(eg.__version__)"

This should print the version number of eggplant. If you want to do some even heavier testing, you could also run the unit tests, done by executing:

python3 -m unittest discover


You can also install eggplant via pip, by executing the command:

python3 -m pip spatial-eggplant

However, we recommend to use the GitHub alternative, as this will give you the most up-to-date version.