Source code for eggplant.methods

import gc
from contextlib import nullcontext
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, Tuple

import anndata as ad
import scanpy as sc
import gpytorch as gp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import torch as t
import tqdm
from typing_extensions import Literal
from kneed import KneeLocator

from . import models as m
from . import utils as ut
from . import constants as C

from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import product

def _optimizer_to(optimizer, device):
    """helper function to move optimizer"""
    for param in optimizer.state.values():
        if isinstance(param, t.Tensor):
            if param._grad is not None:
        elif isinstance(param, dict):
            for subparam in param.values():
                if isinstance(subparam, t.Tensor):
                    if subparam._grad is not None:

[docs]def fit( model: Union[m.GPModelExact, m.GPModelApprox], n_epochs: int, optimizer: Optional[t.optim.Optimizer] = None, fast_computation: bool = True, learning_rate: float = 0.01, verbose: bool = False, seed: int = 0, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, progress_message: str = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """fit GP Model :param model: Model to fit :type model: m.GPModel, :param n_epochs: number of epochs :type n_epochs: int :param optimizer: optimizer to use during fitting, defaults to Adams :type optimizer: Optional[t.optim.Optimizer] :param fast_computation: whether to use fast approximations to functions, defaults to True :type fast_computation: bool = True, :param learning_rate: learning rate, defaults to 0.01 :type learning_rate: float :param verbose: set to True for verbose mode, prints progress, defaults to True :type verbose: bool = False, :param seed: random seed, defaults to 0 :type seed: int :param batch_size: Batch size. Defaults to None. :type batch_size: int :param progress_message: message to include in progress bar :type progress_message: str """ t.manual_seed(seed) model.train() model.likelihood.train() if optimizer is None: optimizer = t.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) loss_history = [] if verbose: epoch_iterator = tqdm.tqdm(range(n_epochs)) if progress_message: epoch_iterator.set_description(progress_message) else: epoch_iterator = range(n_epochs) with gp.settings.fast_computations() if fast_computation else nullcontext(): if isinstance(model, m.GPModelExact): loss_fun = model.mll(model.likelihood, model) for _ in epoch_iterator: optimizer.zero_grad() sample = model(model.ldists) loss = -loss_fun(sample, model.features) loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss_history.append(loss.detach().item()) elif isinstance(model, m.GPModelApprox): from import TensorDataset, DataLoader pow2 = 2 ** np.arange(11) if batch_size is None: _batch_size = int(pow2[np.argmax(model.S < pow2) - 1]) else: assert ( batch_size < model.S ), "batch size is larger than the number of observations" _batch_size = int(batch_size) train_dataset = TensorDataset(model.ldists, model.features) train_loader = DataLoader( train_dataset, batch_size=_batch_size, shuffle=True ) loss_fun = model.mll( model.likelihood, model, num_data=model.features.size(0) ) for _ in epoch_iterator: batch_loss = 0 for x_batch, y_batch in train_loader: optimizer.zero_grad() sample = model(x_batch) loss = -loss_fun(sample, y_batch) loss.backward() optimizer.step() batch_loss += loss.detach().item() loss_history.append(batch_loss) model ="cpu")) # cleanup cuda memory with t.no_grad(): loss = loss.cpu() _optimizer_to(optimizer, t.device(C.DEVICE["cpu"])) del optimizer, loss, sample gc.collect() t.cuda.empty_cache() model.loss_history = loss_history model.eval() model.likelihood.eval()
[docs]def transfer_to_reference( adatas: Union[ad.AnnData, List[ad.AnnData], Dict[str, ad.AnnData]], features: Union[str, List[str]], reference: m.Reference, layer: Optional[str] = None, device: Literal["cpu", "gpu", "cuda"] = "cpu", n_epochs: int = 1000, learning_rate: float = 0.01, subsample: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, verbose: bool = False, return_models: bool = False, return_losses: bool = True, max_cg_iterations: int = 1000, meta_key: str = "meta", inference_method: Union[ Literal["exact", "variational"], List[Literal["exact", "variational"]], Dict[str, Literal["exact", "variational"]], ] = "exact", n_inducing_points: int = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[ str, Union[List[Union["m.GPModelExact", "m.GPModelApprox"]], List[np.ndarray]] ]: """transfer observed data to a reference :param adatas: AnnData objects holding data to transfer :type adatas: Union[ad.AnnData, List[ad.AnnData], Dict[str, ad.AnnData]] :param features: name of feature(s) to transfer :type features: Union[str, List[str]] :param reference: reference to transfer data to :type reference: m.Reference :param layer: which layer to extract data from, defaults to raw :type layer: Optional[str] :param device: device to use for computations, defaults to "cpu" :type device: Litreal["cpu","gpu"] :param n_epochs: number of epochs to use, defaults to 1000 :type n_epochs: int :param learning_rate: learning rate, defaults to 0.01 :type learning_rate: float :param subsample: if <= 1 then interpreted of fraction of observations, to keep. If > 1 interpreted as number of observations to keep in sumbsampling, defaults to None (no sumbsampling) :type subsample: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, :param verbose: set to true to use verbose mode, defaults to True :type verbose: bool :param return_models: set to True to return fitted models, defaults to False :type return_models: bool :param return_losses: return loss history of each model, defaults to True :type return_losses: bool :param max_cg_iterations: The maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations to perform (when computing matrix solves). A higher value rarely results in more accurate solves – instead, lower the CG tolerance (from GPyTorch documentation), defaults to 1000. :type max_cg_iterations: int = 1000, :param meta_key: key in uns slot that holds additional meta info :type meta_key: str :param inference_method: which inference method to use, the options are "exact" and "variational" - use "variational" for large data sets. If a single string is given then this method is applied to all objects in the data set, otherwise a list or dict specifying the inference method for each object can be given. Defaults to "exact". :type inference_method: Union[Literal["exact", "variational"], List[Literal["exact", "variational"]], Dict[str, Literal["exact", "variational"]]] :param n_inducing_points: number of inducing points to use in variational inference. Defaults to None, which will render 10% of observations in observed data if n_obs < 1e5 else 10000. :type n_inducing_points: int :param batch_size: batch_size to use in approximate (variational) inference. Must be less than or equal to the number of observations in a sample. :type batch_size: int """ if not isinstance(adatas, (list, dict)): adatas = [adatas] names = ["Model_0"] elif isinstance(adatas, dict): names = list(adatas.keys()) adatas = list(adatas.values()) else: names = [f"Model_{k}" for k in range(len(adatas))] if isinstance(inference_method, list): inference_method = { names[k]: inference_method[k] for k in range(len(inference_method)) } elif isinstance(inference_method, str): inference_method = {names[k]: inference_method for k in range(len(names))} elif isinstance(inference_method, dict): assert set(names) == set( inference_method.keys() ), "keys of inference_method does not match with data" models = {} losses = {} if not isinstance(features, list): features = [features] n_features = len(features) n_adatas = len(adatas) n_total = n_features * n_adatas msg = "[Processing] :: Model : {} | Feature : {} | Transfer : {}/{}" if subsample is None: subsample = [None for _ in range(len(adatas))] if not hasattr(subsample, "__len__"): subsample = [subsample for _ in range(len(adatas))] for k, _adata in enumerate(adatas): adata = ut.subsample(_adata, keep=subsample[k]) n_obs = len(adata) # model_name = names[k] if names is not None else f"Model_{k}" model_name = names[k] landmark_distances = adata.obsm["landmark_distances"] for f, feature in enumerate(features): full_name = model_name + "_" + feature get_feature = ut._get_feature(adatas[0], feature, layer=layer) feature_values = get_feature(adata) if verbose: print_msg = msg.format( model_name, feature, k * n_features + f + 1, n_total ) print(print_msg, flush=True) if inference_method[names[k]] == "exact": model = m.GPModelExact( landmark_distances=ut._to_tensor(landmark_distances), feature_values=ut._to_tensor(feature_values), device=C.DEVICE[device], **kwargs, ) elif inference_method[names[k]] == "variational": if n_inducing_points is None: if n_obs > 1e5: n_inducing_points = 10000 else: if n_obs < 5e3: print( "[WARNING] : You're using approximate (variational)", "inference on a small data set", "({} observations)".format(n_obs), ) n_inducing_points = int(np.ceil(0.1 * n_obs)) else: assert ( n_obs > n_inducing_points ), "number of inducing points are more than number of observations" inducing_point_idxs = np.random.choice( len(landmark_distances), n_inducing_points, replace=False ) inducing_points = ut._to_tensor(landmark_distances)[ inducing_point_idxs, : ] model = m.GPModelApprox( landmark_distances=ut._to_tensor(landmark_distances), feature_values=ut._to_tensor(feature_values), inducing_points=inducing_points, device=C.DEVICE[device], **kwargs, ) with gp.settings.max_cg_iterations(max_cg_iterations): fit( model, n_epochs=n_epochs, learning_rate=learning_rate, verbose=verbose, batch_size=batch_size, **kwargs, ) # experimental meta_info = dict( model=model_name, feature=feature, ) if meta_key in _adata.uns.keys(): meta_info.update(_adata.uns[meta_key]) reference.transfer( model, names=full_name, meta=meta_info, ) if return_losses: losses[full_name] = model.loss_history if return_models: models[full_name] = model.cpu() else: del model return_object = dict() if return_models: return_object["models"] = models if return_losses: return_object["losses"] = losses if len(return_object) == 1: return_object = list(return_object.values())[0] return return_object
[docs]def fa_transfer_to_reference( adatas: Union[ad.AnnData, List[ad.AnnData], Dict[str, ad.AnnData]], reference: m.Reference, variance_threshold: float = 0.3, n_components: Optional[int] = None, use_highly_variable: bool = False, layer: Optional[str] = None, device: Literal["cpu", "gpu", "cuda"] = "cpu", n_epochs: int = 1000, learning_rate: float = 0.01, subsample: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, verbose: bool = False, return_models: bool = False, return_losses: bool = True, max_cg_iterations: int = 1000, meta_key: str = "meta", inference_method: Literal["exact", "variational"] = "exact", **kwargs, ) -> Dict[ str, Union[List[Union["m.GPModelExact", "m.GPModelApprox"]], List[np.ndarray]] ]: """fast approximate transfer of observed data to a reference similar to :paramref:`~eggplant.methods.transfer_to_reference`, but designed for *fast approximate* transfer of the full set of features. To speed up the transfer process we project the data into a low-dimensional space, transfer this representation, and then reconstruct the original data. This significantly reduces the number of features that need to be transferred to the reference, but comes at the cost of only an *approximate* representation, which depends on either of the specified variance_threshold or n_components parameters. :param adatas: AnnData objects holding data to transfer :type adatas: Union[ad.AnnData, List[ad.AnnData], Dict[str, ad.AnnData]] :param reference: reference to transfer data to :type reference: m.Reference :param variance_threshold: fraction of variance that principal components should explain :type variance_threshold: float :param n_components: use instead of variance_threshold. If specified, exactly n_components will be used. :type n_components: Optional[int] :param use_highly_variable: only use highly_variable_genes to compute the principal components. Default is False. :type use_highly_variable: bool :param layer: which layer to extract data from, defaults to raw :type layer: Optional[str] :param device: device to use for computations, defaults to "cpu" :type device: Litreal["cpu","gpu","cuda"] :param n_epochs: number of epochs to use, defaults to 1000 :type n_epochs: int :param learning_rate: learning rate, defaults to 0.01 :type learning_rate: float :param subsample: if <= 1 then interpreted of fraction of observations, to keep. If > 1 interpreted as number of observations to keep in sumbsampling, defaults to None (no sumbsampling) :type subsample: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, :param verbose: set to true to use verbose mode, defaults to True :type verbose: bool :param return_models: set to True to return fitted models, defaults to False :type return_models: bool :param return_losses: return loss history of each model, defaults to True :type return_losses: bool :param max_cg_iterations: The maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations to perform (when computing matrix solves). A higher value rarely results in more accurate solves – instead, lower the CG tolerance (from GPyTorch documentation), defaults to 1000. :type max_cg_iterations: int = 1000, :param meta_key: key in uns slot that holds additional meta info :type meta_key: str """ n_comps_start = 200 n_comps_increment = 50 return_object = dict() msg = "[Processing] :: Model : {} | Transfer : {}/{}" if isinstance(adatas, dict): names = list(adatas.keys()) objs = list(adatas.values()) elif isinstance(adatas, list): names = None objs = adatas else: names = None objs = [adatas] objs_order = dict() n_comps_sel_list = dict() if verbose: obj_iterator = tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(objs)) else: obj_iterator = enumerate(objs) for k, obj in obj_iterator: print(msg.format(k, k, len(objs)), flush=True) if "pca" not in obj.uns.keys(): if n_components is None: n_comps = min(n_comps_start, len(obj) - 1, obj.shape[1] - 1) variance_ratio = 0 while variance_ratio < variance_threshold: sc.pp.pca( obj, n_comps=n_comps, use_highly_variable=use_highly_variable ) variance_ratio = obj.uns["pca"]["variance_ratio"].sum() n_comps += n_comps_increment else: sc.pp.pca( obj, n_comps=n_components, use_highly_variable=use_highly_variable ) if n_components is None: n_comps_sel = np.argmax( np.cumsum(obj.uns["pca"]["variance_ratio"]) >= variance_threshold ) else: n_comps_sel = n_components assert ( obj.obsm["X_pca"].shape[0] >= n_comps_sel ), "number of PCs are too few, please re-run pca" var = pd.DataFrame(index=[f"{k}_{x}" for x in range(n_comps_sel)]) pca_adata = ad.AnnData( obj.obsm["X_pca"][:, 0:n_comps_sel], var=var, obs=obj.obs, ) pca_adata.obsm["landmark_distances"] = obj.obsm["landmark_distances"] if names is not None: pca_adata = {names[k]: pca_adata} else: pca_adata = [pca_adata] return_object_single = transfer_to_reference( adatas=pca_adata, features=list(var.index), reference=reference, device=C.DEVICE[device], n_epochs=n_epochs, learning_rate=learning_rate, subsample=subsample, verbose=False, return_models=return_models, return_losses=return_losses, max_cg_iterations=max_cg_iterations, meta_key=meta_key, inference_method=inference_method, **kwargs, ) model_name = reference.adata.var.model.values[-1] n_comps_sel_list[model_name] = n_comps_sel objs_order[model_name] = k return_object.update(return_object_single) recons_data = [] recons_variance = [] recons_feature = [] recons_model = [] model_names = set(reference.adata.var.model) for model_name in model_names: pcs = objs[objs_order[model_name]].varm["PCs"] pcs = pcs[:, 0 : n_comps_sel_list[model_name]].T is_model = reference.adata.var.model.values == model_name obj_vals = reference.adata.X[:, is_model] recons_data.append(, pcs)) new_variance =["var"][:, is_model], pcs**2) recons_variance.append(new_variance) recons_feature += list(objs[objs_order[model_name]].var.index) recons_model += [model_name] * objs[objs_order[model_name]].var.shape[0] recons_var_index = pd.Index( [f"{y}_{x}" for x, y in zip(recons_feature, recons_model)] ) recons_var = pd.DataFrame( dict(model=recons_model, feature=recons_feature), index=recons_var_index ) ordr = np.argsort(recons_var.index.values) recons_var = recons_var.iloc[ordr, :] recons_data = np.concatenate(recons_data, axis=1)[:, ordr] recons_variance = np.concatenate(recons_variance, axis=1)[:, ordr] obsm = reference.adata.obsm reference.adata = ad.AnnData( recons_data, var=recons_var, obs=reference.adata.obs, ) reference.adata.layers["var"] = recons_variance reference.adata.obsm = obsm return return_object
[docs]def estimate_n_landmarks( adatas: Union[ad.AnnData, List[ad.AnnData], Dict[str, ad.AnnData]], n_max_lmks: Union[int] = 50, n_min_lmks: Optional[int] = 1, n_evals: int = 10, n_reps: int = 3, feature: Optional[str] = None, layer: Optional[str] = None, device: Literal["cpu", "gpu"] = "cpu", n_epochs: int = 1000, learning_rate: float = 0.01, subsample: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, verbose: bool = False, spatial_key: str = "spatial", max_cg_iterations: int = 1000, tail_length: int = 200, seed: int = 1, spread_distance: Optional[float] = None, diameter_multiplier: float = 10, ) -> Tuple[ np.ndarray, Union[Dict[str, List[float]], List[float]], Optional[Union[List[float], Dict[str, float]]], ]: """Estimate how landmark numbers influence outcome :param adatas: Single AnnData file or list or dictionary with AnnDatas to be analyzed. :type adatas: Union[ad.AnnData, List[ad.AnnData], Dict[str, ad.AnnData]] :param n_max_lmks: max number of landmarks to include in the analysis. :type n_max_lmks: Union[float, int] = 50 :param n_evals: number of evaluations. The number of lansmarks tested will be equally spaced in the interval [1,n_max_lmks], defaults to 10. :type n_evals: int :param layer: which layer to use :type layer: Optional[str] :param device: which device to perform computations on, defaults to "cpu" :type device: Literal["cpu", "gpu"] :param n_epochs: number of epochs to use when learning the relationship between landmark distance and feature values, defaults to 1000. :type n_epochs: int :param learning rate: learning rate to use in optimization, defaults to 0.01. :type learning_rate: float :param subsample: whether to subsample the data or not. If a value less than 1 is given, then it's interpreted as a fraction of the total number of observations, if larger than zero as absolute number of observations to keep. If exactly 1 or None, no subsampling will occur. Note, landmarks are selected before subsampling. Defaults to None. :type subsample: Optional[Union[float, int]] :param verbose: set to True to use verbose mode, defaults to False. :type verbose: bool :param spatial_key: key to use to extract spatial coordinates from the obsm attribute. Defaults to "spatial". :type spatial_key: str :param max_cg_iterations: The maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations to perform (when computing matrix solves). A higher value rarely results in more accurate solves – instead, lower the CG tolerance (from GPyTorch documentation), defaults to 1000. :type max_cg_iterations: int :param tail_length: the last tail_length observations will be used to compute an average MLL value. If n_epochs are less than tail_length, all epochs will be used instead. Defaults to 50. :type tail_length: int :param seed: value of random seed, defaults to 1. :type seed: int :param spread_distance: distance between points in Poisson Disc Sampling. Equivalent to :paramref:`~eggplant.methods.PoissonDiscSampler.min_dist`. :type spread_distance: Optional[float] :param diameter_multiplier: applicable to assays where the :type diameter_multiplier: float :return: A tuple with a vector listing the number of landmarks used in each evaluation as first element and as second the corresponding average MLL values. :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, Union[Dict[str, List[float]], List[float]]] """ if not isinstance(adatas, (list, dict)): adatas = [adatas] names = None elif isinstance(adatas, dict): names = list(adatas.keys()) adatas = list(adatas.values()) else: names = None likelihoods = OrderedDict() if names is not None else [] n_adatas = len(adatas) msg = "[Processing] :: Sample : {} ({}/{})" n_lmks = np.floor(np.linspace(n_min_lmks, n_max_lmks, n_evals)).astype(int) n_lmks = np.unique(n_lmks) tail_length = min(tail_length, n_epochs) np.random.seed(seed) for k, _adata in enumerate(adatas): if spread_distance is None: diameter = ut.get_capture_location_diameter(_adata) if diameter: spread_distance = diameter * diameter_multiplier else: raise NotImplementedError( "center to center distance access is not yet" " implemented for the data type." " Specify spread_distance instead." ) if feature is not None: get_feature = ut._get_feature(_adata, feature, layer) feature_values = get_feature(_adata) else: feature_values = np.asarray(_adata.X.sum(axis=1)).flatten() feature_values = ut.normalize(feature_values) model_name = names[k] if names is not None else None crd = _adata.obsm[spatial_key].copy() crd_min_max = crd.max() - crd.min() crd = (crd - crd.min()) / crd_min_max spread_distance /= crd_min_max sampler = PoissonDiscSampler(crd, min_dist=spread_distance, seed=seed) lmks = sampler.sample() if len(lmks) < n_lmks[-1]: raise Exception( "To few landmarks, try adjusting landmark distance or multiplier" ) keep_lmks = np.random.choice( np.arange(1, len(lmks)), n_lmks[-1] - 1, replace=False ) lmks = lmks[np.append([0], keep_lmks), :] # lmks = crd[np.random.choice(len(crd), n_lmks[-1], replace=False), :] landmark_distances = cdist(crd, lmks) feature_values, idx = ut.subsample( feature_values, keep=subsample, return_index=True, seed=seed, ) landmark_distances = landmark_distances[idx, :] sample_trace = np.zeros(len(n_lmks)) if verbose: print( msg.format(model_name, k + 1, n_adatas), flush=True, ) # TODO: fix tqdm lmk_iterator = enumerate(n_lmks) else: lmk_iterator = enumerate(n_lmks) for w, n_lmk in lmk_iterator: final_ll = 0 for rep in range(n_reps): pick_lmks = np.random.choice( landmark_distances.shape[1], size=n_lmk, replace=False ) # sub_landmark_distances = landmark_distances[:, 0:n_lmk] sub_landmark_distances = landmark_distances[:, pick_lmks] t.manual_seed(seed) model = m.GPModelExact( ut._to_tensor(sub_landmark_distances), ut._to_tensor(feature_values), device=C.DEVICE[device], ) fit_msg = "Eval: {} lmks | Rep: {}/{}".format(n_lmk, rep + 1, n_reps) with gp.settings.max_cg_iterations(max_cg_iterations): fit( model, n_epochs=n_epochs, learning_rate=learning_rate, verbose=verbose, progress_message=fit_msg, ) rep_final_ll = model.loss_history rep_final_ll = np.mean(np.array(rep_final_ll)[-tail_length::]) del model t.cuda.empty_cache() final_ll += rep_final_ll sample_trace[w] = final_ll / n_reps if names is None: likelihoods.append(sample_trace) else: likelihoods[names[k]] = sample_trace return (n_lmks, likelihoods)
[docs]def landmark_lower_bound( n_lmks: np.ndarray, losses: Union[List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], kneedle_s_param: float = 1, ) -> float: """automatic identification of lower bound based on result from :func:`~eggplant.methods.estimate_n_landmarks`. """ def find_knee(y): kneedle = KneeLocator( n_lmks, y, direction="decreasing", curve="convex", S=kneedle_s_param, ) return kneedle.knee if isinstance(losses, list): knees = [find_knee(y) for y in losses] elif isinstance(losses, dict): knees = {n: find_knee(y) for n, y in losses.items()} elif isinstance(losses, np.ndarray): knees = [find_knee(losses)] return knees
[docs]class PoissonDiscSampler: """Poisson Disc Sampler Designed according to the principles outlined in :cite:t:`pds` but for d=2. """ def __init__( self, crd: np.ndarray, min_dist: float, seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Constructor method :param crd: coordinates of the data, a bounding box (rectangular) will be created from these coordinates. Samples will be contained within this bounding box. :type crd: np.ndarray :param min_dist: minimal allowed distance between two samples, no two samples will be closer than this value. :type min_dist: float :param seed: random seed (numpy) :type seed: int """ self.seed = seed self.r = min_dist self.r2 = self.r**2 = self.r / np.sqrt(2) self._set_grid(crd) self._reset() def _set_grid( self, _crd: np.ndarray, ) -> None: """build grid to guide neighbor search""" crd = _crd.copy() self.x_correct = _crd[:, 0].min() self.y_correct = _crd[:, 1].min() crd[:, 0] -= self.x_correct crd[:, 1] -= self.y_correct self.x_max = crd[:, 0].max() self.y_max = crd[:, 1].max() = crd.mean(axis=0) self.n_x = int(crd[:, 0].max() / self.n_y = int(crd[:, 1].max() / def _reset( self, ) -> None: """reset sampler""" self.cells = {x: -1 for x in product(range(self.n_x + 1), range(self.n_y + 1))} = [0] self.samples = [] pos = self.coord_to_cell( self.cells[pos] = 0
[docs] def coord_to_cell( self, point: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float]], ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """helper function, transforms coordinates to cell id (in grid) :param point: coordinates of point to get cell id for :type point: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float]] :return: a tuple (i,j) where i is the grid row index and j is the column index. :rtype: Tuple[int,int] """ _x = int(point[0] // _y = int(point[1] // return (_x, _y)
[docs] def add_k_in_annulus( self, point: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float]], k: int = 5, ) -> np.ndarray: """adds k points randomly in annulus around point :param point: point to create annulus around :type point: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float]], :param k: number of points to add to annulus, default 5 :type k: int :return: array of coordinates with added points :rtype: np.ndarray """ xy = [] while len(xy) < k: _r = np.random.uniform(self.r, 2 * self.r) _theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) _x = _r * np.cos(_theta) _y = _r * np.sin(_theta) tmp = point + (_x, _y) if (tmp[0] > 0 and tmp[0] < self.x_max) and ( tmp[1] > 0 and tmp[1] < self.y_max ): xy.append(tmp) return np.array(xy)
[docs] def get_neighbors( self, idx: Tuple[int, int], ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """get neighbors in grid Note: includes self. :param idx: index of cell to get neighbors of :type idx: Tuple[int,int] :return: list of neighbor indices :rtype: List[Tuple[int,int]] """ res = [] for px in range(-2, 3): for py in range(-2, 3): new_x = idx[0] + px new_y = idx[1] + py if (new_x >= 0 and new_x <= self.n_x) and ( new_y >= 0 and new_y <= self.n_y ): res.append((new_x, new_y)) return res
[docs] def sample( self, max_points: Optional[int] = None, k: Optional[int] = 4, ) -> np.ndarray: """sample from domain :param max_points: max number of points to sample from domain. :type max_points: Optional[int] :param k: number of points to position in annulus, default 4 :type k: Optional[int] :return: array of samples from domain :rtype: np.ndarray """ if self.seed is not None: np.random.seed(self.seed) if max_points is None: max_points = np.inf elif max_points > len(self.cells): print("[WARNING] : You specified more points than the domain allows") while len(self.samples) < max_points and len( > 0: idx = np.random.choice( point = self.samples[idx] new_points = self.add_k_in_annulus(point, k=k) inactivate = True for new_point in new_points: new_point_cell = self.coord_to_cell(new_point) nbrs = self.get_neighbors(new_point_cell) discard_point = False for nbr in nbrs: if self.cells[nbr] != -1: nbr_crd = self.samples[self.cells[nbr]] dist = (nbr_crd[0] - new_point[0]) ** 2 dist += (nbr_crd[1] - new_point[1]) ** 2 in_dist = dist < self.r2 if in_dist: discard_point = True break if not discard_point: self.samples.append(new_point) self.cells[new_point_cell] = len(self.samples) - 1 - 1) inactivate = False break if inactivate: points = np.array(self.samples) points[:, 0] += self.x_correct points[:, 1] += self.y_correct shuf_idx = np.arange(1, points.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(shuf_idx) shuf_idx = np.append([0], shuf_idx) self._reset() return points[shuf_idx, :]