Source code for eggplant.plot

import numpy as np
import anndata as ad

from . import models as m
from . import utils as ut
from . import methods as fun
from . import constants as C

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Union, Optional, Dict, List, Tuple, Any, TypeVar
from typing_extensions import Literal
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter

T = TypeVar("T")

def _visualize(
    data: List[Union[np.ndarray, List[str]]],
    n_cols: Optional[int] = None,
    n_rows: Optional[int] = None,
    marker_size: Union[float, List[float]] = 25,
    show_landmarks: bool = True,
    landmark_marker_size: float = 500,
    side_size: float = 4,
    landmark_cmap: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None,
    share_colorscale: bool = True,
    return_figures: bool = False,
    include_colorbar: bool = True,
    separate_colorbar: bool = False,
    colorbar_orientation: str = "horizontal",
    include_title: bool = True,
    fontsize: str = 20,
    hspace: Optional[float] = None,
    wspace: Optional[float] = None,
    quantile_scaling: bool = False,
    exclude_feature_from_title: bool = False,
    flip_y: bool = False,
    colorbar_fontsize: float = 50,
    show_image: bool = False,
) -> Optional[
        Tuple[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes], Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]],
        Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes],

    :param n_cols: number of desired colums
    :type n_cols: Optional[int]
    :param n_rows: number of desired rows
    :type n_rows: Optional[int]
    :param marker_size: scatter plot marker size
    :type marker_size: float
    :param show_landmarks: show landmarks in plot
    :type show_landmarks: bool
    :param  landmark_marker_size: size of landmarks
    :type landmark_marker_size: float
    :param side_size: side size for each figure sublot
    :type side_size: float
    :param landmark_cmap: colormap for landmarks
    :type landmark_cmap: Optional[Dict[int,str]], optional
    :param share_colorscale: set to true if subplots should all have the same colorscale
    :type share_colorscale: bool
    :param return_figures: set to true if figure and axes objects should be returned
    :type return_figures: bool
    :param include_colorbar: set to true to include colorbar
    :type include_colorbar: bool
    :param separate_colorbar: set to true if colorbar should be plotted
     in separate figure, only possible when share_colorscale = True
    :type separate_colorbar: bool
    :param colorbar_orientation: choose between 'horizontal'
     and 'vertical' for orientation of colorbar
    :type colorbar_orientation: str
    :param include_title: set to true to include title
    :type include_title: bool
    :param fontsize: font size of title
    :type fontsize: str
    :param hspace: height space between subplots.
     If none then default matplotlib settings are used.
    :type hspace: Optional[float]
    :param wspace: width space between subplots.
     If none then default matplotlib settings are used.
    :type wspace: Optional[float]
    :param quantile_scaling: set to true to use quantile scaling.
     Can help to minimize quenching effect of outliers
    :type quantile_scaling: bool
    :param flip_y: set to true if y-axis should be flipped
    :type flip_y: bool
    :param colorbar_fontsize: fontsize of colorbar ticks
    :type colorbar_fontsize: float
    :param show_image: show tissue image in background.
    :type show_image: bool

    :return: None or Figure and Axes objects, depending on return_figure value.
    :rtype: Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure,plt.Axes]]


    counts, lmks, crds, names, adata_id, imgs = data

    if separate_colorbar:
        assert (
        ), "A separate colorscale can only be used if colorscales are shared"

    n_total = len(counts)
    n_rows, n_cols = ut.get_figure_dims(

    marker_size = ut.obj_to_list(marker_size)
    if len(marker_size) == 1:
        marker_size = marker_size * len(counts)

    figsize = (n_cols * side_size, n_rows * side_size)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=figsize)
    ax = ax.flatten()

    if landmark_cmap is None:
        landmark_cmap = C.LANDMARK_CMAP

    skip_counts = any([x is None for x in counts])

    if not skip_counts:
        if quantile_scaling:
            if share_colorscale:
                vmin = np.repeat(
                    min([np.quantile(c, 0.01) for c in counts]), len(counts)

                vmax = np.repeat(
                    max([np.quantile(c, 0.99) for c in counts]), len(counts)

                vmin = np.array([np.quantile(c, 0.01) for c in counts])
                vmax = np.array([np.quantile(c, 0.99) for c in counts])
            if share_colorscale:
                vmin = [min([c.min() for c in counts])] * len(counts)
                vmax = [max([c.max() for c in counts])] * len(counts)
                vmin = [None] * len(counts)
                vmax = [None] * len(counts)

    for k in range(len(counts)):
        if show_image and imgs[k] is not None:

        ordr = np.argsort(counts[k]).flatten()
        if counts[k] is not None:
            _sc = ax[k].scatter(
                crds[k][ordr, 0],
                crds[k][ordr, 1],

            if include_colorbar and not separate_colorbar:
                cbar = fig.colorbar(_sc, ax=ax[k], orientation=colorbar_orientation)

        if show_landmarks:
            for ll in range(lmks[k].shape[0]):
                    lmks[k][ll, 0],
                    lmks[k][ll, 1],
                    c=landmark_cmap[ll % len(landmark_cmap)],

        if include_title:
            if exclude_feature_from_title:
                _title = names[k].split("_")
                _title = "_".join(_title[0:-1])
                _title = names[k]

            _title = _title.replace("composite_", "Composite Profile: ")

        if flip_y:

    for axx in ax[k + 1 : len(ax)]:

    if hspace is not None:
    if wspace is not None:

    if include_colorbar and separate_colorbar:
        fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 12))
        cbar = fig2.colorbar(_sc)

    if return_figures:
        if separate_colorbar:
            return ((fig, ax), (fig2, ax2))
            return (fig, ax)

[docs]def model_diagnostics( models: Optional[Union[Dict[str, "m.GPModel"], "m.GPModel"]] = None, losses: Optional[Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, n_cols: int = 5, width: float = 5, height: float = 3, return_figures: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.axes]]: """plot loss history for models can take either a set of models or losses. :param models: models to investigate :type models: Optional[Union[Dict[str, "m.GPModel"], "m.GPModel"]] = None, :param losses: losses to visualize :type losses: Optional[Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, :param n_cols: number of columns, defaults to 5 :type n_cols: int :param width: width of each subplot panel (visualizing one model's loss over time), defaults to 5 :type width: float :param height: height of each subplot panel (visualizing one model's loss over time), defaults to 3 :type height: float = 3, :param return_figures: set to True if Figure and Axes objects should be returned, defaults to False :type return_figures: bool = False, :return: None or Figure and Axes objects, depending on return_figure value. :rtype: Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure,plt.Axes]] """ if models is not None: if not isinstance(models, dict): _losses = {"Model_0": models.loss_history} else: _losses = {k: m.loss_history for k, m in models.items()} elif losses is not None: if not isinstance(losses, dict): _losses = {"Model_0": losses} else: _losses = losses n_models = len(_losses) n_cols = min(n_models, n_cols) if n_cols == n_models: n_rows = 1 else: n_rows = int(np.ceil(n_models / n_cols)) figsize = (n_cols * width, n_rows * height) fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=figsize, facecolor="white") if hasattr(ax, "flatten"): ax = ax.flatten() else: ax = [ax] for k, (name, loss) in enumerate(_losses.items()): n_epochs = len(loss) ax[k].set_title(name + f" | Epochs : {n_epochs}", fontsize=15) ax[k].plot( loss, linestyle="solid", color="black", ) ax[k].spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax[k].spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax[k].set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize=20) ax[k].set_ylabel("Loss", fontsize=20) for axx in ax[k + 1 : :]: axx.axis("off") fig.tight_layout() if return_figures: return fig, ax else: return None
def _set_vizdoc(func): """hack to transfer documentation""" func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ + _visualize.__doc__ return func
[docs]@_set_vizdoc def visualize_transfer( reference: Union[m.Reference, ad.AnnData], attributes: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, layer: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]]: """Visualize results after transfer to reference :param reference: reference object or AnnData holding transferred values :type reference: Union[m.Reference,as.AnnData] :param attributes: visualize transferred models with these attributes. Must be found in .var slot. If none specified, all transfers will be visualized. :type attributes: Optional[Union[List[str],str]] :type features: Optional[Union[List[str],str]] :param layer: name of layer to use :type layer: str """ if isinstance(reference, ad.AnnData): _adata = reference elif isinstance(reference, m.Reference): _adata = reference.adata if attributes is not None: attributes = ut.obj_to_list(attributes) keep_models = np.zeros(_adata.shape[1]) for attr in attributes: attr_col = _adata.var.values == attr attr_col = np.nansum(attr_col, axis=1) > 0 keep_models[attr_col] = 1 keep_models = keep_models.astype(bool) assert sum(keep_models) > 0, "Attribute(s) was/were not found." else: keep_models = np.ones(_adata.shape[1]).astype(bool) if layer is not None: counts = _adata.layers[layer][:, keep_models] else: counts = _adata.X[:, keep_models] lmks = reference.landmarks.detach().numpy() crds = reference.domain.detach().numpy() names = reference.adata.var.index[keep_models].tolist() n_reps = counts.shape[1] data = [[counts[:, x] for x in range(n_reps)]] for v in [lmks, crds]: data.append([v for _ in range(n_reps)]) data.append(names) data.append(np.arange(counts.shape[0])) data.append([None] * len(crds)) return _visualize(data, show_image=False, **kwargs)
[docs]@_set_vizdoc def visualize_observed( adatas: Union[Dict[str, ad.AnnData], List[ad.AnnData]], features: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], layer: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Visualize observed data to be transferred :param adatas: List or dictionary of AnnData objects holding the data to be transferred :type adatas: Union[Dict[str,ad.AnnData],List[ad.AnnData]] :param features: Name of feature to be visualized :type features: Union[str,List[str]] """ features = ut.obj_to_list(features) n_features = len(features) if isinstance(adatas, dict): _adatas = adatas.values() names = [ a + "_" + f if f is not None else a for a in list(adatas.keys()) for f in features ] get_feature = [ ut._get_feature( list(_adatas)[0], feature, layer=layer, ) for feature in features ] else: _adatas = adatas names = [ "Sample_{}_{}".format(k, f) for k in range(len(adatas)) for f in features ] get_feature = [ut._get_feature(_adatas[0], feature) for feature in features] counts = [get_feature[k](a) for a in _adatas for k in range(n_features)] adata_id = [k for k in range(len(_adatas)) for _ in range(n_features)] lmks = [ ut.pd_to_np(a.uns["curated_landmarks"]) for a in _adatas for k in range(n_features) ] crds = [a.obsm["spatial"] for a in _adatas for k in range(n_features)] imgs = list() for k, a in enumerate(_adatas): sample_name = ut.get_visium_array_name(a) if sample_name is not None: try: img = a.uns["spatial"][sample_name]["images"]["hires"] except KeyError: img = None sf = a.uns["spatial"][sample_name]["scalefactors"]["tissue_hires_scalef"] crds[k] = crds[k] * sf lmks[k] = lmks[k] * sf else: img = None imgs.append(img) data = [counts, lmks, crds, names, adata_id, imgs] return _visualize(data, **kwargs)
[docs]def distplot_transfer( ref: "m.Reference", inside: Dict[str, str], outside: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, n_cols: Optional[int] = None, n_rows: Optional[int] = None, side_size: float = 4.0, swarm_marker_style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, mean_marker_style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, display_grid: bool = True, title_fontsize: float = 25, label_fontsize: float = 20, ticks_fontsize: float = 15, return_figures: bool = True, ) -> Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]]: """Swarmplot-like visualization of enrichment :param ref: Reference holding transferred data :type ref: "m.Reference", :param outside: attribute to compare features within. If None all inside features will be compared together. :type outside: Optional[Dict[str, str]] :param inside: feature to compare within outer attribute :type inside: Dict[str, str], :param n_cols: number of columns, defaults to None :type n_cols: Optional[int] :param n_rows: number of rows, defaults to None :type n_rows: Optional[int] = None, :param side_size: size of each outer panel, defaults to 4 :type side_size: float :param swarm_marker_style: data marker style, defaults to None :type swarm_marker_style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param mean_marker_style: marker style of mean indicator, defaults to None :type mean_marker_style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param display_grid: set to True if grid shall be displayed in background, defaults to True :type display_grid: bool :param title_fontsize: fontsize of title, defaults to 25 :type title_fontsize: float :param label_fontsize: fontsize of x-and ylabel, defaults to 20 :type label_fontsize: float :param ticks_fontsize: fontisize of x-and yticks, defaults to 15 :type ticks_fontsize: float :param return_figures: set to True if Figure and Axes objexts should be returned, defaults to True :type return_figures: bool :return: None or Figure and Axes objects, depending on return_figures value. :rtype: Union[None,Tuple[plt.Figure,plt.Axes]] """ adata = ref.adata _swarm_marker_style = dict( s=0.1, c="black", alpha=0.6, ) if swarm_marker_style is not None: for k, v in swarm_marker_style.items(): _swarm_marker_style[k] = v _mean_marker_style = dict( s=90, marker="d", c="#D2D811", edgecolor="#696C05", zorder=np.inf, ) if mean_marker_style is not None: for k, v in mean_marker_style.items(): _mean_marker_style[k] = v in_vals = eval("adata.{attribute}['{column}'].values".format(**inside)) uni_in = np.unique(in_vals) if outside is not None: out_vals = eval("adata.{attribute}['{column}'].values".format(**outside)) uni_out = np.unique(out_vals) else: uni_out = [None] axis_out = 1 if inside["attribute"] == "obs" else 0 sel_id_out = np.array([True] * adata.shape[axis_out]) n_rows, n_cols = ut.get_figure_dims(len(uni_out), n_rows, n_cols) figsize = (n_cols * side_size, n_rows * side_size) fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=figsize) ax = ax.flatten() for ii, out in enumerate(uni_out): if outside is not None: sel_id_out = out_vals == out for jj, ins in enumerate(uni_in): sel_id_in = in_vals == ins if inside["attribute"] == "obs": ys = adata.X[sel_id_in, :][:, sel_id_out].mean(axis=1) else: ys = adata.X[sel_id_out, :][:, sel_id_in].mean(axis=0) xs = np.random.normal(jj, 0.1, size=len(ys)) ax[ii].scatter( xs, ys, **_swarm_marker_style, ) ax[ii].scatter( jj, ys.mean(), **_mean_marker_style, ) if outside is not None: xlabel = inside["column"] if not isinstance(xlabel, str): xlabel = str(xlabel) ax[ii].set_xlabel(xlabel.capitalize(), fontsize=0.8 * title_fontsize) ylabel = outside["column"] if not isinstance(ylabel, str): ylabel = str(ylabel) ax[ii].set_ylabel(ylabel.capitalize(), fontsize=0.8 * title_fontsize) ax[ii].set_xticks(np.arange(len(uni_in))) ax[ii].set_xticklabels(uni_in, rotation=90) ax[ii].set_title(out, fontsize=title_fontsize) ax[ii].tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=ticks_fontsize) if display_grid: ax[ii].grid( True, which="major", axis="x", zorder=0, color="black", linestyle="dashed", ) for axx in ax[ii + 1 :]: axx.axis("off") fig.tight_layout() if return_figures: return (fig, ax) else: return None
[docs]class ColorMapper: """helper class for colormaps makes it easier to get color values for arrays and lists. """ def __init__( self, cmap: Dict[T, str], ) -> None: """Constructor class :param cmap: colormap dictionary :type cmap: Dict[T,str] """ self.n_c = len(cmap) self.cdict = cmap if not all([isinstance(x, int) for x in self.cdict.keys()]): self.numeric_cdict = {k: c for k, c in enumerate(self.cdict.keys())} else: self.numeric_cdict = self.cdict def __call__( self, x: Union[T, np.ndarray], n_elements: bool = False, ) -> Union[str, np.ndarray]: if n_elements: n = x clr = [self.numeric_cdict[ii % self.n_c] for ii in range(n)] elif hasattr(x, "__len__") and not isinstance(x, str): if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)): uni = set(x) has_keys = all([k in self.cdict.keys() for k in uni]) if has_keys: clr = [self.cdict[ii] for ii in x] else: raise ValueError("Keys not supported") else: n = len(x) clr = [self.numeric_cdict[ii % self.n_c] for ii in range(n)] clr = np.array(clr) else: if x in self.cdict.keys(): clr = self.cdict[x] else: raise ValueError(f"{x} is not supported as value.") return clr
[docs]def landmark_diagnostics( lmk_eval_res: Tuple[List[List[float]], Union[List[float], Dict[str, float]]], side_size: Optional[Union[Tuple[float, float], float]] = None, title_fontsize: float = 20, lower_bound: Optional[Union[Dict[str, float], List[float]]] = None, line_style_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, label_style_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ticks_style_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, return_figures: bool = False, savgol_params: Dict[str, Any] = None, ) -> Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]]: """ :param lmk_eval_res: output from :fun:`~eggplant.methods.estimate_n_landmarks` :type lmk_eval_res: Tuple[List[List[float]], Union[List[float], Dict[str, float]]] :param side_size: side size of plot, if None then based on data, defaults to None :type side_size: Optional[Union[Tuple[float, float], float]] = None, :param title_fontsize: fontsize of plot title, default 20 :type title_fontsize: float :param lower_bound: lower_bound value (for number of landmarks), will be indicated by a black dashed line :type lower_bound: Optional[Union[Dict[str, float], List[float]]] :param line_style_dict: dictionary with style parameter for :fun:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`, default None :type line_style_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param label_style_dict: dictionary with style parameters for :fun:`~matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel`, and `ylabel`, default None :type label_style_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param ticks_style_dict: dictionary with style parameters for `xaxis.set_tick_params` and `yaxis.set_tick_params` :type ticks_style_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param return_figures: set to true to return figure, otherwise only show, default False :type return_figures: bool :param savgol_params: parameters to `scipy.signal.savgol_filter`, default parameters `polyorder=4` and `window_length=5` :type savgol_params: Dict[str, Any] :return: plot of nMLL loss against the number of landmarks :rtype: Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]] """ n_samples = len(lmk_eval_res[1]) n_evals = len(lmk_eval_res[0]) if isinstance(lmk_eval_res[1], dict): lls = list(lmk_eval_res[1].values()) names = list(lmk_eval_res[1].keys()) else: lls = lmk_eval_res[1] names = [f"Sample : {k}" for k in range(n_samples)] if side_size is None: figsize = (4 + n_evals * 0.2, 4 * n_samples) else: if isinstance(side_size, (list, tuple)): if len(side_size) == 1: figsize = (side_size[0], side_size[0] * n_samples) else: figsize = (side_size[0], side_size[1] * n_samples) else: figsize = (side_size, side_size * n_samples) _line_style_dict = dict( marker="o", linestyle="-", color="black", markerfacecolor="red", markeredgecolor="black", ) if line_style_dict is not None: _line_style_dict.update(line_style_dict) _ticks_style_dict = dict(labelsize=15) if ticks_style_dict is not None: _ticks_style_dict.update(ticks_style_dict) _label_style_dict = dict(fontsize=20) if label_style_dict is not None: _label_style_dict.update(label_style_dict) if lower_bound is None: lower_bound = [None for _ in range(n_samples)] elif isinstance(lower_bound, (int, float)): lower_bound = ut.obj_to_list(lower_bound) elif isinstance(lower_bound, dict): lower_bound = list(lower_bound.values()) window_length = min(5, len(lmk_eval_res[0])) if window_length % 2 == 0: window_length -= 1 polyorder = window_length - 1 _savgol_params = dict( window_length=window_length, polyorder=polyorder, ) if savgol_params is not None: _savgol_params.update(savgol_params) fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_samples, 1, figsize=figsize, squeeze=False) ax = ax.flatten() for k, axx in enumerate(ax): _x = lmk_eval_res[0] _y = savgol_filter(lls[k], **_savgol_params) axx.plot( _x, _y, **_line_style_dict, ) axx.set_xlabel( "#Landmarks", **_label_style_dict, ) axx.set_ylabel( "nMLL", **_label_style_dict, ) axx.set_xticks(lmk_eval_res[0]) axx.xaxis.set_tick_params(**_ticks_style_dict) axx.yaxis.set_tick_params(**_ticks_style_dict) axx.spines["right"].set_visible(False) axx.spines["top"].set_visible(False) axx.set_title(names[k], fontsize=title_fontsize) if lower_bound[k] is not None: axx.axvline( x=lower_bound[k], color="black", linestyle="dashed", ) axx.axvspan( xmin=lower_bound[k], xmax=lmk_eval_res[0][-1], alpha=0.3, color="blue", ) if return_figures: return (fig, ax)
[docs]def visualize_sdea_results( ref: "m.GPModel", dge_res: Dict[str, np.ndarray], cmap: str = "RdBu_r", n_cols: int = 4, marker_size: float = 10, side_size: float = 8, title_fontsize: float = 20, colorbar_fontsize: float = 20, colorbar_orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = "horizontal", no_sig_color: str = "lightgray", reorder_axes: Optional[List[int]] = None, return_figures: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes], None]: """Visualize result from spatial differential expression analysis :param ref: reference object of type :class:`~eggplant.models.Reference`, information should have been transferred to the object. :type ref: m.GPModel :param dge_res: result from :func:`~eggplant.sdea.sdea` :type dge_res: Dict[str, np.ndarray], :param cmap: colormap to use (choose from matplotlib), defaults to `RdBu_r` :type cmap: str :param n_cols: number of columns, defaults to 4 :type n_cols: int :param marker_size: size of marker, defaults to 10 :type marker_size: float :type side_size: side of each subplot panel, defaults to 8 :type side_size: float :param title_fontsize: fontsize of title, defaults to 20 :type title_fontsize: float :param colorbar_fontsize: fontsize of colorbar ticks, defaults to 20 :colorbar_fontsize: float :param colorbar_orientation: orientation of colorbar, defaults to `horizontal` :type colorbar_orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] :param no_sig_color: color of locations with non-significant, difference in expression, defaults to `lightgray` :type no_sig_color: str :param reorder_axes: new order of axes, original order is [0, 1, 2,..], give new new order as [1, 0, 2,...] to switch place of subplot 1 and 0. :type reorder_axes: Optional[List[int]] :param return_figures: return figure and axes objects. Default value is False. :type return_figures: Union[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes],None] :return: Figure and Axes objects :rtype: Tuple[plt.Figure,plt.Axes] """ n_comps = len(dge_res) if cmap in plt.colormaps(): cmap = eval("" + cmap) else: cmap = n_rows, n_cols = ut.get_figure_dims(n_total=n_comps, n_cols=n_cols) crd = ref.adata.obsm["spatial"] figsize = (side_size * n_cols, side_size * n_rows) fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=figsize) ax = ax.flatten() if reorder_axes is not None: try: dge_res_keys = list(dge_res.keys()) dge_res_keys = [dge_res_keys[k] for k in reorder_axes] _dge_res = {k: dge_res[k] for k in dge_res_keys} except KeyError: print("[ERROR] : Could not order axes according to specification.") _dge_res = dge_res else: _dge_res = dge_res for k, (comp, vals) in enumerate(_dge_res.items()): is_sig = vals["sig"] ax[k].scatter( crd[~is_sig, 0], crd[~is_sig, 1], c=no_sig_color, s=marker_size, ) if sum(is_sig) > 0: v_max = np.abs(vals["diff"][is_sig]).max() else: v_max = np.abs(vals["diff"][~is_sig]).max() _sc = ax[k].scatter( crd[is_sig, 0], crd[is_sig, 1], c=vals["diff"][is_sig], cmap=cmap, s=marker_size, vmin=-v_max, vmax=v_max, ) pos_name, neg_name = comp.split("_vs_") title = r"$\Delta($" + pos_name + "," + neg_name + ")" ax[k].set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize) ax[k].set_aspect("equal") ax[k].invert_yaxis() cbar = fig.colorbar(_sc, ax=ax[k], orientation=colorbar_orientation) o_lbl = cbar.get_ticks() if len(o_lbl) < 3: o_lbl = np.linespace(o_lbl[0], o_lbl[-1], 3).round(2) if colorbar_orientation[0] == "h": val_sep = "\n" else: val_sep = " " _sc.set_clim(o_lbl[0], o_lbl[-1]) n_lbl = ( [str(o_lbl[0]) + val_sep + f"({neg_name})"] + [f"{x:0.2f}" for x in o_lbl[1:-1]] + [str(o_lbl[-1]) + val_sep + f"({pos_name})"] ) cbar.set_ticks(o_lbl) cbar.set_ticklabels(n_lbl) for axx in ax: axx.axis("off") if return_figures: return fig, ax else:
[docs]def visualize_landmark_spread( adata: ad.AnnData, feature: Optional[str] = None, layer: Optional[str] = None, spread_distance: Optional[float] = None, diameter_multiplier: float = 1, side_size: float = 5, marker_size: float = 20, landmark_marker_size: Optional[float] = None, label_fontsize: float = 10, title_fontsize: float = 20, seed: int = 1, text_h_offset: Optional[float] = None, bbox_style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, return_figures: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]]: """function to visualize landmark distribution with given set of parameters. Here Poisson Disc Sampling (PSD) is used to randomly distribute the landmarks within the spatial domain. :param adata: data to visualize :type adata: ad.AnnData :param feature: feature to visualize, if None then (normalized) sum across all features, defaults to None :type feature: Optional[str] :param layer: layer to use for feature extraction, defaults to None :type layer: Optional[str] :param spread_distance: see :py:paramref:`~eggplant.methods.estimate_n_landmarks.params.spread_distance` :type spread_distance: Optional[float] :param diameter_multiplier: see :py:paramref:`~eggplant.methods.estimate_n_landmarks.diameter_multiplier` :type diameter_multiplier: float :param side_size: side size of plot, defaults to 5 :type side_size: float :param marker_size: marker size of spatial locations, defaults to 20 :type marker_size: float :param landmark_marker_size: size of landmark indicators, if None then twice that of marker_size, defaults to None :type landmark_marker_size: Optional[float] :param label_fontsize: fontsize of landmark enumeration labels, defaults to 10 :type label_fontsize: float :param title_fontsize: fontsize of title, defaults to 20 :type title_fontsize: float :param seed: random seed (numpy) :type seed: int :param text_h_offset: horizontal distance between landmark enumeration label and landmark marker, if None then `spread_distance / 5`, defaults to None :type text_h_offset: Optional[float] :param bbox_style: see `bbox` argument for :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.text` :type bbox_style: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param return_figures: return figure and axes objects, defaults to False :type return_figures: bool :return: Figure and Axes object if `return_figures=True`, else plots the landmarks in the spatial domain. :rtype: Optional[Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]] """ if spread_distance is None: diameter = ut.get_capture_location_diameter(adata) if diameter: spread_distance = diameter * diameter_multiplier else: raise NotImplementedError( "diameter access is not yet" " implemented for the data type." " Specify spread_distance instead." ) crd = adata.obsm["spatial"] sampler = fun.PoissonDiscSampler( crd=crd.copy(), min_dist=spread_distance, seed=seed ) points = sampler.sample() n_points = points.shape[0] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(side_size, side_size)) if feature is not None: get_feature = ut._get_feature(adata, feature, layer) feature_values = get_feature(adata) else: feature_values = np.asarray(adata.X.sum(axis=1)).flatten() feature_values = ut.normalize(feature_values) ax.scatter( crd[:, 0], crd[:, 1], s=marker_size, c=feature_values, ) if landmark_marker_size is None: landmark_marker_size = marker_size * 2 ax.scatter( points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=landmark_marker_size, c="red", marker="*", edgecolor="black", ) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.axis("off") ax.invert_yaxis() if text_h_offset is None: text_h_offset = spread_distance / 5 if bbox_style is None: bbox_style = dict( boxstyle="square", edgecolor="black", facecolor="lightgray", alpha=0.8, ) for ii in range(n_points): ax.text( points[ii, 0] + text_h_offset, points[ii, 1], str(ii), fontsize=label_fontsize, bbox=bbox_style, ) ax.set_title( "Landmark Spread\n#Landmarks: {}".format(n_points), fontsize=title_fontsize ) if return_figures: return (fig, ax) else: