Source code for eggplant.sdea

from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple, Any, List

import anndata as ad
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scipy.stats import norm
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import combinations
from numba import njit

from . import models as m
from . import utils as ut

def ztest(
    x1: np.ndarray,
    x2: np.ndarray,
    se1: float,
    se2: float,
    delta: float = 0,
    alpha: float = 0.05,
    two_sided: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, Union[float, bool]]:

    n1 = x1.shape[0]
    n2 = x2.shape[0]
    div = np.sqrt(se1 / n1 + se2 / n2)
    top = x1.mean() - x2.mean() - delta

    z = np.divide(top, div)
    pval = 2 * (1 - norm(0, 1).cdf(np.abs(z)))
    is_sig = pval < alpha

    return dict(z=z, pvalue=pval, sig=is_sig)

# def mixed_normal(
#     mus: np.ndarray,
#     vrs: np.ndarray,
#     ws: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
# ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
#     """mean and var for weighted mixed
#     normal.

#     For n distributions :math:`N_i(\mu_i,\sigma^2_i)`
#     we compute the mean and variance for the new weighted
#     mix:

#     :math:`N(\mu_{new},\sigma^2_{new}) = \sum_{i=1}^n w_iN(\mu_i,\sigma^2_i)`

#     :param mus: mean values for each sample
#     :type mus: np.ndarray
#     :param vrs: variance values for each sample
#     :type vrs: np.ndarray
#     :param ws: weights to use when computing the
#      new mean for the mixed distribution.
#     :type ws: Optional[np.ndarray]

#     :return: a tuple being :math:`(\mu_{new},\sigma^2_{new})`
#     :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray]

#     """

#     if len(mus.shape) == 1:
#         mus = mus.reshape(1, -1)

#     N = mus.shape[1]

#     if ws is None:
#         ws = np.ones(N) / N

#     if len(mus.shape) == 2:
#         ws = ws.reshape(1, N)

#     v1 = np.sum(ws * vrs, axis=1)
#     v2 = np.sum(ws * (mus**2), axis=1)
#     v3 = np.sum(ws * mus, axis=1) ** 2

#     new_var = v1 + v2 - v3

#     new_mean = np.sum(ws * mus, axis=1)

#     return (new_mean, new_var)

[docs]def mixed_normal( mus: np.ndarray, vrs: np.ndarray, ws: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """mean and var for weighted mixed normal. For n distributions :math:`N_i(\mu_i,\sigma^2_i)` we compute the mean and variance for the new weighted mix: :math:`\mu_{new} = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i\mu_i` :math:`\sigma^2_{new} = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i^2\sigma^2_i` :param mus: mean values for each sample :type mus: np.ndarray :param vrs: variance values for each sample :type vrs: np.ndarray :param ws: weights to use when computing the new mean for the mixed distribution. :type ws: Optional[np.ndarray] :return: a tuple being :math:`(\mu_{new},\sigma^2_{new})` :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray] """ if len(mus.shape) == 1: mus = mus.reshape(1, -1) N = mus.shape[1] if ws is None: ws = np.ones(N) / N if len(mus.shape) == 2: ws = ws.reshape(1, N) new_var = np.sum(ws**2 * vrs, axis=1) new_mean = np.sum(ws * mus, axis=1) return (new_mean, new_var)
[docs]def sdea( data: Union[ad.AnnData, "m.Reference"], group_col: str, n_std: int = 2, subset: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """spatial differential expression analysis conduct spatial differential expression analysis (sDEA) :param data: object (either anndata or reference) containing the spatial profiles to be compared. :type data: Union[ad.AnnData, "m.Reference"] :param group_col: column to make comparison with respect to :type group_col: str :param n_std: number of standard deviations that should be used when testing for differential expression. If the interval mean_1 +/- n_std*std_1 overlaps with the interval mean_2 +/- n_std*std_2 the features are considered as non-differentially expressed, defaults to 2 :type n_std: int :param subset: subset groups in the contrastive analysis, for example `subset={feature:value}` will only compare those profiles where the value of *feature* is *value*, defaults to no subsampling :type subset: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param weights: n_samples vector of weights, where the i:th value of the vector indicates the weight that should be assigned to each sample in the sdea analysis, default to 1/n_samples. :type weights: Optional[np.ndarray] :return: a dictionary where each analyzed feature is an entry, and each entry is a dictionary with two values: `diff` being the spot-wise difference between the samples, and `sig` being an indicator of whether the difference is significant or not. :rtype: Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]] """ if isinstance(data, ad.AnnData): adata = data elif isinstance(data, m.Reference): adata = data.adata else: raise TypeError("The provided data type is not yet supported.") if subset is not None: keep_idx = set(range(adata.shape[0])) for col, val in subset.items(): if col in adata.var.columns.values: sidx = set(np.where(adata.var[col].values == val)[0]) keep_idx = keep_idx.intersection(sidx) else: raise ValueError(f"{col} is not found in the meta data") keep_idx = list(keep_idx) if keep_idx: adata = adata[:, keep_idx] group_labels = adata.var[group_col] group_labels = ut.pd_to_np(group_labels) uni_group_labels = np.unique(group_labels) n_labels = len(uni_group_labels) res = OrderedDict() def _get_mixed(label): idx_x = group_labels == uni_group_labels[label] mus_x = adata.X[:, idx_x] vars_x = adata.layers["var"][:, idx_x] wvals_x = mixed_normal(mus_x, vars_x, ws=weights) return wvals_x for k1 in range(n_labels - 1): wval1 = _get_mixed(k1) for k2 in range(k1 + 1, n_labels): wval2 = _get_mixed(k2) wmus = np.hstack((wval1[0][:, np.newaxis], wval2[0][:, np.newaxis])) wvars = np.hstack((wval1[1][:, np.newaxis], wval2[1][:, np.newaxis])) ordr = np.argsort(wmus, axis=1) wmus = np.take_along_axis(wmus, ordr, axis=1) wvars = np.take_along_axis(wvars, ordr, axis=1) wstds = wvars**0.5 comp = wmus[:, 0] + n_std * wstds[:, 0] < wmus[:, 1] - n_std * wstds[:, 1] name = uni_group_labels[k1] + "_vs_" + uni_group_labels[k2] diff = wval1[0] - wval2[0] res[name] = dict(diff=diff, sig=comp) return res
[docs]def test_region_wise_enrichment( data: Union[ad.AnnData, "m.Reference"], feature: str, region_1: Union[str, int], region_2: Union[str, int], include_models: Union[List[str], str] = "composite", col_name: str = "region", feature_col: str = "feature", alpha: float = 0.05, n_permutations: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[float, bool, str]]]: """region-wise enrichment test This function tests whether `feature` is higher expressed in `region_1` compared to `region_2` using a permutation test. :param data: object containing feature data :type data: Union[ad.AnnData, "m.Reference"] :param feature: feature to inspect :type feature: str, :param region_1: label of region 1 :type region_1: Union[str, int] :param region_2: label of region 2 :type region_2: Union[str, int] :param include_models: models to include, defaults to composite :type include_models: Union[List[str], str] :param col_name: column name on adata.obs that indicates region label, defaults to region :type col_name: str :param feature_col: column name in adata.var that indicates feature, defaults to feature :type feature_col: str :param alpha: significance level, defaults to 0.01 :type alpha: float :param n_permutations: number of permutations to perform. 1/alpha must be larger than n_permutations, otherwise an exception will be raised. Defaults to 1 / alpha. :type n_permutations: Optional[int] :return: Dictionary with result of permutation test. The keys are: - pvalue : caluclated pvalue - is_sig : whether the result is considered significant or not - feature : name of feature that was examined :rtype: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[float, bool, str]]] """ if n_permutations is not None and alpha < 1 / n_permutations: raise AssertionError("alpha cannot be less than 1 / n_permutations") elif n_permutations is None: if alpha <= 0.05: n_permutations = 1000 elif alpha >= 0.01: n_permutations = 5000 else: n_permutations = int(1 / alpha) if isinstance(data, m.Reference): _adata = data.adata elif isinstance(data, ad.AnnData): _adata = data else: raise NotImplementedError( "test not implemented for data type {}".format(type(data)) ) include_models = ut.obj_to_list(include_models) adata = _adata[:, _adata.var[feature_col].values == feature] model_names = adata.var["model"].values vals_all = np.array(adata.X) vals_1 = vals_all[adata.obs[col_name].values == region_1, :] vals_2 = vals_all[adata.obs[col_name].values == region_2, :] vals_12 = np.append(vals_1, vals_2) n_1 = len(vals_1) n_2 = len(vals_2) @njit def get_delta_mean(xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray): n_x: int = len(xs) n_y: int = len(ys) k: int = 0 mean: float = 0 for ii in range(n_x): for jj in range(n_y): v1 = xs[ii] v2 = ys[jj] mean += v1 - v2 k += 1 mean /= k return mean res = dict() for model in include_models: model_idx = np.argmax(model_names == model) obs = get_delta_mean( vals_1[:, model_idx].flatten(), vals_2[:, model_idx].flatten() ) perm_res = np.zeros(n_permutations) for perm in range(n_permutations): np.random.shuffle(vals_12) shuf_1 = vals_12[0:n_1] shuf_2 = vals_12[n_1 : (n_1 + n_2)] perm_res[perm] = get_delta_mean(shuf_1, shuf_2) p_1 = np.sum(perm_res <= obs) p_2 = np.sum(perm_res >= obs) pval = 2 * min(p_1, p_2) / n_permutations is_sig = pval < alpha res[model] = dict( pval=round(pval, int(np.floor(np.log10(n_permutations)))), is_sig=is_sig, feature=feature, ) return res
[docs]def get_sde_features( data: Union[ad.AnnData, "m.Reference"], group_by: str = "model", compare: str = "feature", labels: Optional[str] = None, n_features: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dict[str, pd.Series]: """Get spatially differentially (SD)genes will identify genes that exhibit different spatial distributions between two different conditions. :param : data :type data: Union[ad.AnnData,"m.Reference"] :param group_by: :type group_by: str :param compare: :type compare: str :param labels: :type labels: Optional[str] :param n_features: :type n_features: Optional[int] """ if isinstance(data, ad.AnnData): adata = data elif isinstance(data, m.Reference): adata = data.adata else: raise TypeError("The provided data type is not yet supported.") label_values = adata.var[group_by].values if labels is None: uni_labels = np.unique(label_values) else: uni_labels = labels combs = combinations(uni_labels, 2) res = dict() for (lab_1, lab_2) in combs: idx_1 = label_values == lab_1 idx_2 = label_values == lab_2 mu_1 = adata[:, idx_1].to_df() mu_1.columns = adata.var[compare].values[idx_1] mu_2 = adata[:, idx_2].to_df() mu_2.columns = adata.var[compare].values[idx_2] inter = mu_1.columns.intersection(mu_2.columns) mu_1 = mu_1.loc[:, inter] mu_2 = mu_2.loc[:, inter] var_1 = adata[:, idx_1].to_df(layer="var") var_1.columns = adata.var[compare].values[idx_1] var_2 = adata[:, idx_2].to_df(layer="var") var_2.columns = adata.var[compare].values[idx_2] var_1 = mu_1.loc[:, inter] var_2 = mu_2.loc[:, inter] z_score = (np.abs((mu_1 - mu_2) / np.sqrt((var_1 + var_2)))).sum(axis=0) z_score = z_score[~np.isinf(z_score) & ~z_score.isna().values] z_score = z_score.sort_values(ascending=True) if n_features is not None: z_score = z_score[0:n_features] res[str(lab_1) + "_vs_" + str(lab_2)] = z_score return res